Cambridge AG

Das Cambridge Certificate ist ein englisches Sprachzertifikat der Universität Cambridge für Nicht-Muttersprachler. Es wird jährlich von etwa 3 Millionen Menschen aus 130 Ländern abgelegt.

Wer?Jahrgangstufe 1
Wann?nach Absprache
Wo?nach Absprache

Das Cambridge Certificate dient der Bescheinigung qualifizierter Englischkenntnisse und ist international bei Bildungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen anerkannt.

Let’s boost the following English skills:

  • listening
  • speaking
  • reading
  • (writing)

How can you profit from the Cambridge Club?

English is becoming more and more the standard language for learning, business or even recreational activities. Some international or even German universities require a Cambridge Certificate (or similar language certificates) to allow you to their study programmes. Various companies (e.g. Daimler, IBM, Lufthansa, HP, Siemens, Bosch, Deutsche Bank) use Cambridge English tests to check their applicants’/employees’ English language capacities. The Cambridge Certificate is an internationally accepted document to proof your English skills.

However, even if you don’t want to officially sit the English Certificate exams in the future, our club will allow you to practise English with a small group in a relaxed atmosphere. You will profit from this extra training in your English classes, in your A-level exams and, most importantly, outside the school context in “real life.”

Looking forward to seeing you, Jonathan Flämig (Fä)